Code Of Conduct

Code of Ethics
Code Of Conduct
Find Perfect Candidate

Code of Conduct

Each member of Humantroop Ventures individually signs and supports a code of conduct and ethics related to our professional designations and professional associations. However, as a private organization, we are responsible for a number of fundamental principles.


Our services help companies maximize the competence and deployment of their human capital; their skills, their experience, their potential, and their capacity. We maintain professional competence in the performance of professional duties and provide services in an honest and careful manner.


We will maintain the strict confidentiality of all confidential information obtained in the course of our work and will not disclose confidential information unless required to do so by law and/or serious harm is imminent. We will treat confidential, personal, or privileged information with the utmost importance as it is at the core of our organization's credibility.

Our responsibilities to the Clients

  • Humantroop Ventures will only accept orders where the client's requirements are clearly understood and well-defined. And only accept assignments that we are confident we can perform at an excellent level.
  • Our recruitment consultants will only propose suitable candidates who have been interviewed and carefully assessed and who have been judged to meet the requirements of the position and candidate profile.
  • Our recruitment consultants will never contact candidates we have already placed or employees of an organization with whom we have a business relationship.
  • We will ensure complete confidentiality of our client's information, plans, and intellectual property.
  • We will not verify references without informing the candidate.
HR Consultants

Our responsibilities to the Candidates

  • Our consultants will ensure prompt, regular, and complete communication with our candidates throughout the engagement and give them timely and constructive advice when they are no longer seeking appointments.
  • At Humantroop Ventures, we never ask our candidates for money or any benefit in any of our client's related services.
  • We act objectively and ensure that any management assessments and psychological tests that may be administered are interpreted by qualified professionals and relevant feedback is provided to candidates.
  • We undertake not to disclose any confidential information about the candidate to the client without their consent.
  • We will not check references without informing the candidate.
Human Resources Consultant

Conflict of Interest

We will either avoid any conflict or disclose it an interest that could influence or be perceived to influence personal actions or judgments.

Our Clients Requirements

We will not knowingly or otherwise engage in or condone any activity or attempt to circumvent the clear intent of the law by which we and our clients are governed.

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